Measurement of defects in Bolt using Equipment B1.
Equipment & Accessories

※ Accessories
Probe: 5L32-A32(Omniscan Probe)
Wedge: X
Sample Information

※ Bolt Model: M24-50
Bolt Size: 65.66mm
Defect Information

※ No. 1 Defect size: 2mm
※ No. 2 Defect size: 2mm
Setting Information

Defect Image
※ Measurement Results of Defect No. 1

When measuring Defect No. 1, there should be a reflected signal at the corresponding position, but it can be seen that the signal has disappeared due to the defect.

※ Measurement Results on Defect No. 1

It can be observed that the measured position is similar to the position confirmed by the equipment.
※ Measurement Results of Defect No. 2

Unknown signal detected at the indicated position during the measurement of Defect No. 2.
While moving the probe during measurement, it was observed that the signal was detected only at a specific location, leading to the conclusion that it is a defect.

※ Measurement Results on Defect No. 2

It can be observed that the measured position is similar to the position confirmed by the equipment.